Additional Trainings

Planning for Neurodiversity: Spring Special Needs Scouting Mini Conference

The National SND Committee’s Spring Mini-Conference on April 26th - 27th at the Northern Star Council Base Camp/Leadership Center is an in-person training opportunity on planning for neurodiversity in Scouting. It is intended for adult leaders, camp leaders, Scouting professionals, parents, caregivers, and any others interested.

The conference will focus on steps we can take ahead of time to help ensure that the usual methods of Scouting (camping or advancement, for example) provide a positive experience for Scouts with special needs or disabilities.

Click here to register

Chainsaw Training

Northern Star Scouting is offering Chainsaw Safety Training throughout the year at various locations. This training is required if you are planning to operate a chainsaw on Northern Star Council camp properties. Events such as Conclaves and Alumni work weekends benefit from trained volunteers. Cutting is always done at the discretion of the Camp Ranger and/or council staff.

For additional information and to register, click the button below:

Click here to register